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1. The Buddhas of Bamiyan - These were two monumental statues of the 6th century carved on one of the cliff's edges in Bamwam valley, central Afghanistan, which depicted Buddha as standing. They were called so because of the valley where they were located. The smaller one was built around 507 AD and the larger around 554 AD. These statues were perfect representations of the Gandhara School of art. The bodies of the statues were hewn from the cliffs' sandstone and the details were made up of mud and straw. This was then coated by stucco. The lower portions of the arms were also made of mud and straw which were supported upon wooden armatures. The Taliban blasted them by dynamites in 2001 after their declaration that these were idols. They were in fact, destroyed to demonstrate protest against the international aid which was reserved exclusively for maintenance of statues when Afghanistan was facing a famine. Internationally, this was heavily condemned and was later on viewed to be one of the most extreme intolerances towards other religions shown by Taliban
2. Red Terror in Spain - On 7th August 1936 leftist militiamen was responsible for destruction of the Sacred Heart near Madrid, in Spain. It was one of the well known Church and image desecrations. This Red Terror took place in Spain at the time of the Spanish Civil War. It saw mass destruction of sacred objects, churches and synagogues. Fifty churches went up in smoke on 19th July 1936's night only. Out of fifty eight Barcelonan churches, the Cathedral remained standing. Such events occurred throughout Spain at that time. Not only Catholic churches were pillaged, but Protestant churches were also attacked. The reason of this heinous act was some kind of political polarization within the Spanish Republic. Because of this, the parties became divided especially on the matter of religious identity. The Church sided with the Right front and this caused the outbreak. This is another cruel and shameful act that the world has experienced.

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3. Babri Masjid - During a rally on 6th December 1992, the Babri Masjid was desecrated by Hindu activists. This consequently gave birth to a riot. The dispute centers on the land upon which the mosque was built as this site is traditionally regarded as the Rama's birthplace by the Hindus. In the Hindu mythology, god-king Rama's birth place is thought to be at Ajodhya. Rama is Dasaratha's son who is the king of Ayodhya. His queen and Rama's mother is Kausalya. Rama is worshiped as a god by the Hindus, mainly as an incarnation or avatar of Vishnu, one of the Holy Trinity or Tridev of Hindu religions. This place is located in Ajodhya, India. Subsequently, a verdict was given by the Allahabad High Court on September 30, 2010. The ruling was that the land was to be divided in three parts, each part being received by the infant Lord Rama representatives, the Hindu Maha Sabha where a Ram temple is to be constructed. The other one third will go to the Sunni Waqf Board. The remaining portion is to be given to Hindu religious faction Nirmohi Akhara. The bench of judges agreed upon the fact that, a temple predated the said mosque in that region. Archaeological Survey of India's excavations were made use of as evidence in the court to prove that there was a temple like structure before the construction of the mosque. Surprisingly, in 2003, Buddhist ruins were found below the layers of Muslim and Hindu structures at Ajodhya.

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4. Erasing of Hebrew Inscriptions on Ezekiel's Tomb by Iraq - Muslims are attempting to do away with Jews, their holy sites and their history in Al-Kifl, near Baghdad, Iraq, where Ezekiel the Prophet's tomb is located. This shrine houses the inscriptions of the Hebrews and their Torah Ark. A big mosque will come into being atop the grave which will be built by Antiquities and Heritage Authority of Iraq. Because of these renovations, the Hebrew ornaments and inscriptions are being taken off from the place. Owing to these severe changes that have been taking place at the tomb of prophet Ezekiel, UNESCO will take a decision and will not consider it as a protected site and will take no time in deleting it from the World Heritage list. People have witnesses the similar thing when the old constructions were destroyed and new buildings were added in place of it in the historic city of Babylon.

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5. Somnath temple -The famous Somnath temple of India, was built upon the shore of the Kathaiwad Peninsula in Gujarat. It was thought to be the holy shrine of Lord Shiva, the most powerful god of the Hindus, also known as the Adi-dev or the first god. During 11th century, it was pillaged seventeen times by Mahmud of Ghazni. Later, Gujarat's King Bhim Deva Solanki rebuilt it. It was again renovated in the hands of Kumarapal near about 1143-44 A.D. Again, Alauddin Khalji's troops destroyed it in 1299. It was built again afterwards. Around 1669, a general order was issued by Aurangzeb, for destroying Hindu temples. After independence of India in 1947, the then Deputy Prime Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel ordered the resurrection of the temple on 12th November. In 1950, the reconstruction started upon the ruins. Presently, the temple made by Munshi and Patel, is being managed under the Shree Somnath Trust.

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